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Fandrich & Sons

Fandrich & Sons 122 Mahogany (special order) 48" Upright Piano


  • Traditional action
  • Mahogany polish
  • Hand rubbed satin finish for $750
  • Matching bench
  • 12 year warranty
  • Also available in polished ebony ($6,420) and polished walnut
Owning a Fandrich 6' grand since 2000 has been a wonderful experience, something much beyond what I was anticipating or expecting when I was originally in the market to buy a grand piano. Darrell, Heather, and the whole family have supported my piano and my enjoyment of it in so many ways, including tuning, voicing, humidity control, and regulation. Over the years, I've learned much about pianos, shared musical stories, and most of all come to know some absolutely wonderful people, who I would recommend readily to anyone looking for a quality piano. Seeing son Steffen develop his own top-flight technical skills in servicing pianos, combined with the same personable sensitivity to the customer and their concerns is very reassuring that the Fandrich brand and reputation will be carried on in the next generation. It's hard to imagine anything else once you've become a member of the Fandrich customer family.

You guys are really terrific, Darrell. Thanks for providing such a great experience over the years.

-- Roger Newby