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Home of the one and only Fandrich Vertical Action that plays like a grand.
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"I want to express my sincere appreciation for your visit to check and tune my new Fandrich. The clarity of sound is just what I have been looking for. I am describing the lower range as like bronze, the midrange as golden, and the upper range as silvery. Best wishes for continued success in adding to the happiness of your fellow musicians."

-- Joyce Kelly
Owner of a Fandrich & Sons Model 215 7' grand.

"My piano was delivered this Wednesday and it is beautiful with a beyond belief gorgeous sound. I am totally delighted. I've played the piano since the age of 7, except for the years I spent living on a boat and then finishing my doctoral work. Now I am 70 and feel that I'm gaining back a major part of my life, only this time with an instrument that sings in a way I've never experienced! My training is classical but I've always loved playing "by ear". Perhaps I will find someone to teach me chords now that I can hear every note singing even through those chords I spontaneously make up! The harmonies are luscious because each note 'speaks'. I've played on many pianos and not one with as beautiful a sound as this."

-- Ann Jennings
June 2007, Maine

"It was worth living to be 90 to get to play this piano!"

-- Randolph Hokanson
University of Washington Music Dept. Professor Emeritus

"I am in love with the piano. Such superb craftsmanship. The touch, the tone. Such a sound. So beautiful in that room. I had a few students drop by Friday afternoon (school was on break) and they sang some songs with the Fandrich. One of the third grade girls later said,"I sing better with this piano because I hear it better and it makes me want to sing more." I knew that would happen. Bertschi kids are going to have even better ears.

Thank you so much for your devotion to making such fine instruments. It is everything I had hoped for, and more. More than one person has been brought to tears at their first hearing."

-- Jerry

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Owning a Fandrich 6' grand since 2000 has been a wonderful experience, something much beyond what I was anticipating or expecting when I was originally in the market to buy a grand piano. Darrell, Heather, and the whole family have supported my piano and my enjoyment of it in so many ways, including tuning, voicing, humidity control, and regulation. Over the years, I've learned much about pianos, shared musical stories, and most of all come to know some absolutely wonderful people, who I would recommend readily to anyone looking for a quality piano. Seeing son Steffen develop his own top-flight technical skills in servicing pianos, combined with the same personable sensitivity to the customer and their concerns is very reassuring that the Fandrich brand and reputation will be carried on in the next generation. It's hard to imagine anything else once you've become a member of the Fandrich customer family.

You guys are really terrific, Darrell. Thanks for providing such a great experience over the years.

-- Roger Newby