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Home of the one and only Fandrich Vertical Action that plays like a grand.
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Fandrich & Sons

Fandrich & Sons 160-S grand (in stock) 5'3" Grand Piano


  • Polished ebony finish
  • Matching bench
  • Also available in polished mahogany or walnut and sprayed satin for $400
  • 12 year warranty
  • Local delivery included plus one tuning
  • Wood finishes will have ebony fallboard and cheekblocks
"Our guest concert pianist (who played on July 16th,2011) loved, loved, loved, our Fandrich & Sons piano - he said it was the 'Rolls Royce of pianos'. This man happens to also work for a piano company as the Director of Music Education, and has played concerts all over the world on grand pianos of all makes. He absolutely enjoyed every minute playing our piano. Heartfelt thanks to you, Darrell, and your company for making such high quality instruments."

-- Rhys Fuentes
Highline SDA - Des Moines, WA