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Fandrich & Sons

Fandrich & Sons 122 Mahogany (special order) 48" Upright Piano


  • Traditional action
  • Mahogany polish
  • Hand rubbed satin finish for $750
  • Matching bench
  • 12 year warranty
  • Also available in polished ebony ($6,420) and polished walnut
"I'm writing this message to thank you for taking the time to show me your excellent pianos. I've visited several piano stores in Seattle and the Eastside, and I've tried some of the finest instruments in the world, so it was a pleasant surprise to find pianos that I thought were at least their equal at a small family business nearby. Your marvelous upright [Model 126V] made the greatest impression of all, because I had thought it impossible to buy an upright without considering it some sort of unpleasant compromise. Your upright, on the other hand, was as responsive, if not more so, than other instruments I have tried and the tone was clear and refined. Coupled with the quality of your work my belief in dealing with local people who provide excellent service, and the result is my sincere hope that in the not too distant future you will be able to count me among your satisfied customers. Thanks again for showing me such musical pianos."

-- Todd Loomis
Bellevue, WA