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Fandrich & Sons

Fandrich & Sons 160-S grand (in stock) 5'3" Grand Piano


  • Polished ebony finish
  • Matching bench
  • Also available in polished mahogany or walnut and sprayed satin for $400
  • 12 year warranty
  • Local delivery included plus one tuning
  • Wood finishes will have ebony fallboard and cheekblocks
Regarding her very first time playing her new Fandrich & Sons Model 165 (5'5") grand, ordered sight unseen:

"It plays beautifully...I will admit a goofy thing I did when I very first played it...I played a few low chords and the bass was so rich I actually looked underneath the piano. I think I was just saying to myself, "WHERE THE HELL DID THAT COME FROM?" That was pretty silly. What was I expecting to find? A subwoofer? I'm so fortunate to have found a wonderfully playable piano. Now if only I could do it justice.

-- Maria Perillo
Cape Cod, MA